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Health Insurance

Choosing insurance plans can be difficult. That’s why we make it easy. Our agents make the calls, compare the plans and prices, and find you the insurance plan that fits your needs. Best of all, our help is at no cost to you.

ACA/Market Place

As an individual shopping for health insurance coverage, you are about to enter a confusing and complicated process dotted with crucial deadlines. Many people will make mistakes. If you don’t understand how your decisions impact your insurance, you could end up paying more than needed or forgetting to update your information.

Below we have outlined some of the subsidies and enrollment policies. However, these deadlines are constantly being revised or modified because of market conditions. For the most up-to-date information, contact an agent,   (727) 600-0850.

With help from Next Health & Medicare Solutions, you can easily compare Affordable Care Act health insurance.

Open Enrollment

The Open Enrollment Period for the ACA begins November 1 and runs through January 15. Enrollment season can provide an opportunity to review your health insurance plan and select the best option that fits your insurance needs. Filling out a new application for your insurance is one way to shop for a new plan; however, you should check for any changes to your current plan, like renewal price. During the Open Enrollment period, you have the opportunity to take advantage of obtaining accurate quotes that can be used towards making an informed decision on whether or not to change or keep your existing plan.

Unfortunately, this is a compression portal. You cannot ask questions and run hypotheticals. To really understand the ACA, you need to talk to an expert. Review your current plan with your Next Health & Medicare Solutions licensed insurance agent to what coverage options to best fit your needs.


You must sign up for health insurance during open enrollment unless you've had a life-changing event such as losing a job or coverage. Anyone enrolling between December 16 and January 15 will have health insurance coverage beginning February 1. However, you need to pay attention to your policy. Signing up during the end of open enrollment can leave you without health insurance coverage until your new policy takes effect next year.

The ACA deadline to sign up for coverage is January 31. What you should know is that there are no exceptions unless you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. If you miss the deadline, you could end up having to pay the full price for healthcare coverage, which isn’t ideal.

You deserve to have peace of mind, knowing that everything is taken care of so there are no surprises because you shouldn’t have to worry about how much your healthcare will cost. Contact our agents today and start a conversation about your insurance needs.

ACA Subsidies And Qualifications

If your individual income falls between $13,590 and $54,360, or 100% and 400% of the FPL, you may qualify for a premium tax credit.

Federal Poverty Level (FPL)

A measure of income issued every year by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Federal poverty levels are used to determine your eligibility for certain programs and benefits, including savings on Marketplace health insurance, and Medicaid and CHIP coverage.

The 2023 federal poverty level (FPL) income numbers below are used to calculate eligibility for Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). 2022 numbers are slightly lower, and are used to calculate savings on Marketplace insurance plans for 2023.

FPL provided by

# in Household 100% FPL 138% FPL 150% FPL 200% FPL 250% FPL 300% FPL 400% FPL
1 $13,590 $18,754 $20,385 $27,180 $33,975 $40,770 $54,360
2 $18,310 $25,268 $27,465 $36,620 $45,775 $54,930 $73,240
3 $23,030 $31,781 $34,545 $46,060 $57,575 $69,090 $92,120
4 $27,750 $38,295 $41,625 $55,500 $69,375 $83,250 $111,000
5 $32,470 $44,809 $48,705 $64,940 $81,175 $97,410 $129,880
6 $37,190 $51,322 $55,785 $74,380 $92,975 $111,570 $148,760
7 $41,910 $57,836 $62,865 $83,820 $104,775 $125,730 $167,640
8 $46,630 $64,349 $69,945 $93,260 $116,575 $139,890 $186,520

Download Yearly Guidelines & Thresholds | Coverage Year 2023 for more information about qualifications. Or give Renee Brown a call at 727-600-0850.

Download 2023 Guidelines and Thresholds

Enroll in or change 2022 plans — Special Enrollment Period

Changes in household

You may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period if you or anyone in your household in the past 60 days:

  • Got married. Pick a plan by the last day of the month and your coverage can start the first day of the next month.
  • Had a baby, adopted a child, or placed a child for foster care. Your coverage can start the day of the event — even if you enroll in the plan up to 60 days afterward.
  • Got divorced or legally separated and lost health insurance. Note: Divorce or legal separation without losing coverage doesn’t qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period.
  • Died. You’ll be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period if someone on your Marketplace plan dies and as a result you’re no longer eligible for your current health plan.

Loss of health insurance

You may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period if you or anyone in your household lost qualifying health coverage in the past 60 days (or more than 60 days ago but since January 1) OR expects to lose coverage in the next 60 days.

Changes in residence

Household moves that qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period:

  • Moving to a new home in a new ZIP code or county
  • Moving to the U.S. from a foreign country or United States territory
  • If you're a student, moving to or from the place you attend school
  • If you're a seasonal worker, moving to or from the place you both live and work
  • Moving to or from a shelter or other transitional housing

Note: Moving only for medical treatment or staying somewhere for vacation doesn’t qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period.

Important: You must prove you had qualifying health coverage for one or more days during the 60 days before your move. You don't need to provide proof if you’re moving from a foreign country or United States territory.

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Short Term - Off Market

If you’re searching for coverage that keeps you protected in between jobs (due to retirement, resignation, leaving school, or even unexpected unemployment), immediate short-term health insurance could be what you’re looking for.

Immediate short-term health insurance policies can cover you for up to one year. Three year plans are also available. Short-term insurance may not cover pre-existing conditions and it does have other limitations. An experienced insurance agent can help you understand your coverage and if short-term insurance is best for you.

What Does Short-term Coverage Cover

Short-term health insurance can be cheaper than many other insurance plans. Many short-term health insurance plans cover doctor’s office visits and emergency hospital services (like emergency care, ER visits, and urgent care). However, you have to be mindful that these plans are not as comprehensive as an ACA health plan, so you should gather additional information from our online provider directory. Also, some states regulate these plans in different ways.

Find out if short-term health coverage is right for you! Contact us today to discuss your insurance options.

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